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machine design(part1)

From the discovery of fire to moon landing , the Upanishad to War and peace, Monalisa to Ghurnica, Pyramid to Taj Mahal, Rag Malkaus to Fifth symphony, salt to satellite and from caves to computers, man has strived to do something new, something innovative .This quest for creativity is the essence of design. Engineering design may be defined as the iterative decision making activity to create the plans by which resources are converted , preferably optimally, into systems, processes or devices to perform their desired functions and to meet the human needs.
            Mechanical Design or Machine Design is one of the important branches of Engineering Design. To understand what exactly machine design or mechanical design is let us consider the example of the gear box of the car. The gear box transmits the motion and the power of the engine to the wheels of the vehicle. The gearbox comprises group of gears which are subjected to not only motion but also the load of the vehicle. For the gears to run at desired speeds and take desired loads it is important that they should be designed. During designing various calculations are performed considering desired speeds and loads and finally the gear of particular material and specific dimensions that can take all loads and that can be manufactured at least possible cost giving optimum performance is designed. In similar fashion all the components of the car, including engine, have to be designed so that they optimally meet all the functional requirements at lowest possible cost. This whole process of designing is called as machine design or mechanical design. Machine Design or Mechanical Design can be defined as the process by which resources or energy is converted into useful mechanical forms, or the mechanisms so as to obtain useful output from the machines in the desired form as per the needs of the human beings. Machine design can lead to the formation of the entirely new machine or it can lead to up-gradation or improvement of the existing machine. For instance if the existing gearbox is too heavy or cannot sustain the actual loads, entirely new gearbox can be designed. But if the same gearbox has the potential to lift more loads, it can be upgraded by making certain important changes in its design.
General Steps in Design
Though the machine design procedure is not standard, there are some common steps to be followed; these can be followed as per the requirements wherever and whenever necessary. Here are some guidelines as to how the machine design engineer can proceed with the design:
1) Making the written statement: Make the written statement of what exactly is the problem for which the machine design has to be done. This statement should be very clear and as detailed as possible. If you want to develop the new produce write down the details about the project. This statement is sort of the list of the aims that are to be achieved from machine design.
2) Consider the possible mechanisms: When you designing the machine consider all the possible mechanisms which help desired motion or the group of motions in your proposed machine. From the various options the best can be selected whenever required.
3) Transmitted forces: Machine is made up of various machine elements on which various forces are applied. Calculate the forces acting on each of the element and energy transmitted by them.
4) Material selection: Select the appropriate materials for each element of the machine so that they can sustain all the forces and at the same time they have least possible cost.
5) Find allowable stress: All the machine elements are subjected to stress whether small or large. Considering the various forces acting on the machine elements, their material and other factors that affect the strength of the machine calculate the allowable or design stress for the machine elements.
6) Dimensions of the machine elements: Find out the appropriate dimensions for the machine elements considering the forces acting on it, its material, and design stress. The size of the machine elements should be such that they should not distort or break when loads are applied.
7) Consider the past experience: If you have the past experience of designing the machine element or the previous records of the company, consider them and make the necessary changes in the design. Further, designer can also consider the personal judgment so as to facilitate the production of the machine and machine elements.
8) Make drawings: After designing the machine and machine elements make the assembly drawings of the whole machines and detailed drawings of all the elements of the machine. In the drawings clearly specify the dimensions of the assembly and the machine elements, their total number required, their material and method of their production. The designer should also specify the accuracy, surface finish and other related parameters for the machine elements.=
Types of failures
Corrosion means the breaking down of essential properties in a material due to chemical reactions with its surroundings. In the most common use of the word, this means a loss of electrons of metals reacting with water and oxygen. Weakening of iron due to oxidation of the iron atoms is a well-known example of electrochemical corrosion. This is commonly known as rust. This type of damage usually affects metallic materials, and typically produces oxide(s) and/or salt(s) of the original metal. Corrosion also includes the dissolution of ceramic materials and can refer to discoloration and weakening of polymers by the sun's ultraviolet light. Most structural alloys corrode merely from exposure to moisture in the air, but the process can be strongly affected by exposure to certain substances (see below). Corrosion can be concentrated locally to form a pit or crack, or it can extend across a wide area to produce general deterioration. While some efforts to reduce corrosion merely redirect the damage into less visible, less predictable forms, controlled corrosion treatments such as passivation and chromate-conversion will increase a material's corrosion resistance.
·         Types of design
There may be several types of design such as
Adaptive design
This is based on existing design, for example, standard products or systems adopted for a new application. Conveyor belts, control system of machines and mechanisms or haulage systems are some of the examples where existing design systems are adapted for a particular use.

Developmental design
Here we start with an existing design but finally a modified design is obtained. A new model of a car is a typical example of a developmental design.

New design
This type of design is an entirely new one but based on existing scientific principles. No scientific invention is involved but requires creative thinking to solve a problem. Examples of this type of design may include designing a small vehicle for transportation of men and material on board a ship or in a desert. Some research activity may be necessary.

·         Types of design based on methods
Rational design
This is based on determining the stresses and strains of components and thereby deciding their dimensions.
Empirical design
This is based on empirical formulae which in turn is based on experience and experiments. For example, when we tighten a nut on a bolt the force exerted or the stresses induced cannot be determined exactly but experience shows that the tightening force may be given by P=284d where, d is the bolt diameter in mm and P is the applied force in kg. There is no mathematical backing of this equation but it is based on observations and experience.

Industrial design
These are based on industrial considerations and norms viz. market survey, external look, production facilities, low cost, use of existing standard products.

·         Factors to be considered in machine design
There are many factors to be considered while approaching a design problem. In many cases these are a common sense approach to solving a problem. Some of these factors are as follows:

1.      What device or mechanism to be used?
2.      Material
3.      Forces on the elements
4.      Size, shape and space requirements.
5.      The method of manufacturing the components and their assembly.
6.      How will it operate?
7.      Reliability and safety aspects
8.      Inspectibility
9.      Maintenance, cost and aesthetics of the designed product.

What device or mechanism to be used
This is best judged by understanding the problem thoroughly. Sometimes a particular function can be achieved by a number of means or by using different mechanisms and the designer has to decide which one is most effective under the circumstances. A rough design or layout diagram may be made to crystallize the thoughts regarding the relative arrangement of the elements.

This is a very important aspect of any design. A wrong choice of material may lead to failure, over or undersized product or expensive items. The choice of materials is thus dependent on suitable properties of the material for each component, their suitability of fabrication or manufacture and the cost.
-The external loads cause internal stresses in the elements and these stresses must be determined accurately since these will be used in determining the component size. Loading may be due to
1.      Energy transmission by a machine member.
2.      Dead weight.
3.      Inertial forces.
4.      Thermal effects.
5.      Frictional forces.

In other ways loads may be classified as:

1.      Static load- Does not change in magnitude and direction and normally increases gradually to a steady value.
2.      Dynamic load- a) changes in magnitude- for e.g. traffic of varying weight passing a bridge.
3.      Changes in direction- for e.g. load on piston rod of a double acting cylinder.

The nature of these loads are shown in figure-1.0

Fig-1.0   The nature of Static and Dynamic loading
Size, shape, space requirements and weight
Preliminary analysis would give an approximate size but if a standard element is to be chosen, the next larger size must be taken. Shapes of standard elements are known but for non-standard element, shapes and space requirements must depend on available space in a particular machine assembly. A scale layout drawing is often useful to arrive at an initial shape and size. Weight is important depending on application. For example, an aircraft must always be made light. This means that the material chosen must have the required strength yet it must be light. Similar arguments apply to choice of material for ships and there too light materials are to be chosen. Portable equipment must be made light.
Care must always be taken to ensure that the designed elements may be manufactured with ease, within the available facilities and at low cost.
How will it operate?
In the final stage of the design a designer must ensure that the machine may be operated with ease. In many power operated machines it is simply a matter of pressing a knob or switch to start the machine. However in many other cases, a sequence of operations is to be specified. This sequence must not be complicated and the operations should not require excessive force. Consider the starting, accelerating and stopping a scooter or a car. With time tested design considerations, the sequences have been made user-friendly and as in any other product, these products too go through continuous innovation and development.
Reliability and safety
Reliability is an important factor in any design. A designed machine should work effectively and reliably. The probability that an element or a machine will not fail in use is called reliability. Reliability lies between 0 ≤ R< 1. To ensure this, every detail should be examined. Possible overloading, wear of elements, excessive heat generation and other such detrimental factors must be avoided. There is no single answer for this but an overall safe design approach and care at every stage of design would result in a reliable machine.
Safety has become a matter of paramount importance these days in design. Machines must be designed to serve mankind, not to harm it. Industrial regulations ensure that the manufacturer is liable for any damage or harm arising out of a defective product. Use of a factor of safety only in design does not ensure its overall reliability.
Maintenance, cost and aesthetics
Maintenance and safety are often interlinked. Good maintenance ensures good running condition of machinery. Often a regular maintenance schedule is maintained and a thorough check up of moving and loaded parts is carried out to avoid catastrophic failures. Low friction and wear is maintained by proper lubrication. This is a major aspect of design since wherever there are moving parts, friction and wear are inevitable. High friction leads to increased loss of energy. Wear of machine parts leads to loss of material and premature failure. Cost and aesthetics are essential considerations for product design. Cost is essentially related to the choice of materials which in turn depends on the stresses developed in a given condition. Although in many cases aesthetic considerations are not essential aspects of machine design, ergonomic aspects must be taken into considerations.

·         Engineering Materials
Choice of materials for a machine element depends very much on its properties, cost, availability and such other factors. It is therefore important to have some idea of the common engineering materials and their properties before learning the details of design procedure. This topic is in the domain of material science or metallurgy but some relevant discussions are necessary at this stage. Common engineering materials are normally classified as metals and nonmetals. Metals may conveniently be divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Important ferrous metals for the present purpose are:
(i)                 cast iron (ii) wrought iron (iii) steel.
Some of the important non-ferrous metals used in engineering design are:
(a) Light metal group such as aluminium and its alloys, magnesium and manganese alloys.
(b) Copper based alloys such as brass (Cu-Zn), bronze (Cu-Sn).
(c) White metal group such as nickel, silver, white bearing metals eg. SnSb7Cu3, Sn60Sb11Pb, zinc etc.
Cast iron, wrought iron and steel will now be discussed under separate headings.
Ferrous materials
Cast iron- It is an alloy of iron, carbon and silicon and it is hard and brittle. Carbon content may be within 1.7% to 3% and carbon may be present as free carbon or iron carbide Fe3C. In general the types of cast iron are (a) grey cast iron and (b) white cast iron (c) malleable cast iron (d) spheroidal or nodular cast iron (e) austenitic cast iron (f) abrasion resistant cast iron.
(a) Grey cast iron- Carbon here is mainly in the form of graphite. This type of cast iron is inexpensive and has high compressive strength. Graphite is an excellent solid lubricant and this makes it easily machinable but brittle. Some examples of this type of cast iron are FG20, FG35 or FG35Si15. The numbers indicate ultimate tensile strength in MPa and 15 indicates 0.15%silicon.
(b) White cast iron- In these cast irons carbon is present in the form of iron carbide (Fe3C) which is hard and brittle. The presence of iron carbide increases hardness and makes it difficult to machine. Consequently these cast irons are abrasion resistant.
(c) Malleable cast iron- These are white cast irons rendered malleable by annealing. These are tougher than grey cast iron and they can be twisted or bent without fracture. They have excellent machining properties and are inexpensive. Malleable cast iron are used for making parts where forging is expensive such as hubs for wagon wheels, brake supports. Depending on the method of processing they may be designated as black heart BM32, BM30 or white heart WM42, WM35 etc.
(d) Spheroidal or nodular graphite cast iron- In these cast irons graphite is present in the form of spheres or nodules. They have high tensile strength and good elongation properties. They are designated as, for example, SG50/7, SG80/2 etc where the first number gives the tensile strength in MPa and the second number indicates percentage elongation.
(e) Austenitic cast iron- Depending on the form of graphite present these cast iron can be classified broadly under two headings: Austenitic flake graphite iron designated, for example, AFGNi16Cu7Cr2.Austenitic spheroidal or nodular graphite iron designated, for example, ASGNi20Cr2. These are alloy cast irons and they contain small percentages of silicon, manganese, sulphur, phosphorus etc. They may be produced by adding alloying elements viz. nickel, chromium, molybdenum, copper and manganese in sufficient quantities. These elements give more strength and improved properties. They are used for making automobile parts such as cylinders, pistons, piston rings, brake drums etc.
(f) Abrasion resistant cast iron- These are alloy cast iron and the alloying elements render abrasion resistance. A typical designation is ABR33 Ni4 Cr2 which indicates a tensile strength in kg/mm2 with 4% nickel and 2% chromium.
Wrought iron- This is a very pure iron where the iron content is of the order of 99.5%. It is produced by re-melting pig iron and some small amount of silicon, sulphur, or phosphorus may be present. It is tough, malleable and ductile and can easily be forged or welded. It cannot however take sudden shock. Chains, crane hooks, railway couplings and such other components may be made of this iron.
Steel- This is by far the most important engineering material and there is an enormous variety of steel to meet the wide variety of engineering requirements. The present note is an introductory discussion of a vast topic. Steel is basically an alloy of iron and carbon in which the carbon content can be less than 1.7% and carbon is present in the form of iron carbide to impart hardness and strength. Two main categories of steel are (a) Plain carbon steel and (b) alloy steel.
(a) Plain carbon steel- The properties of plain carbon steel depend mainly on the carbon percentages and other alloying elements are not usually present in more than 0.5 to 1% such as 0.5% Si or 1% Mn etc. There is a large variety of plane carbon steel and they are designated as C01, C14, C45, C70 and so on where the number indicates the carbon percentage.
Following categorization of these steels is sometimes made for convenience:
Dead mild steel- upto 0.15% C
Low carbon steel or mild steel- 0.15 to 0.46% C
Medium carbon steel- 0.45 to 0.8% C.
High carbon steel- 0.8 to 1.5% C
Detailed properties of these steels may be found in any standard handbook but in general higher carbon percentage indicates higher strength.
(b) Alloy steel- these are steels in which elements other than carbon are added in sufficient quantities to impart desired properties, such as wear resistance, corrosion resistance, electric or magnetic properties. Chief alloying elements added are usually nickel for strength and toughness, chromium for hardness and strength, tungsten for hardness at elevated temperature, vanadium for tensile strength, manganese for high strength in hot rolled and heat treated condition, silicon for high elastic limit, cobalt for hardness and molybdenum for extra tensile strength. Some examples of alloy steels are 35Ni1Cr60, 30Ni4Cr1, 40Cr1Mo28, 37Mn2. Stainless steel is one such alloy steel that gives good corrosion resistance. One important type of stainless steel is often described as 18/8 steel where chromium and nickel percentages are 18 and 8 respectively. A typical designation of a stainless steel is 15Si2Mn2Cr18Ni8 where carbon percentage is 0.15.
A number of systems for grading steel exist in different countries. The American system is usually termed as SAE ( Society of Automobile Engineers) or AISI ( American Iron and Steel Industries) systems. For an example, a steel denoted as SAE 1020 indicates 0.2% carbon and 13% tungsten. In this system the first digit indicates the chief alloying material. Digits 1,2,3,4 and 7 refer to carbon, nickel, nickel/chromium, molybdenum and tungsten respectively. More details may be seen in the standards. The second digit or second and third digits give the percentage of the main alloying element and the last two digits indicate the carbon percentage. This therefore explains that SAE 71360 indicates an alloy steel with 0.6% carbon and the percentage of main alloying material tungsten is 13. In British system steels are designated by the letters En followed by a number such as 1,2…16, 20 etc. Corresponding constituent elements can be seen from the standards but in general En4 is equivalent to C25 steel, En6 is equivalent to C30 steel and so on.

Non-ferrous metals
Metals containing elements other than iron as their chief constituents are usually referred to as non-ferrous metals. There is a wide variety of non-metals in practice. However, only a few exemplary ones are discussed below:
Aluminium- This is the white metal produced from Alumina. In its pure state it is
weak and soft but addition of small amounts of Cu, Mn, Si and Magnesium makes it hard and strong. It is also corrosion resistant, low weight and non-toxic.
Duralumin- This is an alloy of 4% Cu, 0.5% Mn, 0.5% Mg and aluminium. It is widely used in automobile and aircraft components.
Y-alloy- This is an alloy of 4% Cu, 1.5% Mn, 2% Ni, 6% Si, Mg, Fe and the rest
is Al. It gives large strength at high temperature. It is used for aircraft engine
parts such as cylinder heads, piston etc.
Magnalium- This is an aluminium alloy with 2 to 10 % magnesium. It also contains 1.75% Cu. Due to its light weight and good strength it is used for aircraft and automobile components.
Copper alloys
Copper is one of the most widely used non-ferrous metals in industry. It is soft, malleable and ductile and is a good conductor of heat and electricity. The following two important copper alloys are widely used in practice:
Brass (Cu-Zn alloy)- It is fundamentally a binary alloy with Zn upto 50% . As Zn percentage increases, ductility increases upto ~37% of Zn beyond which the ductility falls. This is shown in figure- Small amount of other elements viz. lead or tin imparts other properties to brass. Lead gives good machining quality and tin imparts strength. Brass is highly corrosion resistant, easily machinable and therefore a good bearing material.
Bronze (Cu-Sn alloy)-This is mainly a copper-tin alloy where tin percentage may vary between 5 to 25. It provides hardness but tin content also oxidizes resulting in brittleness. Deoxidizers such as Zn may be added. Gun metal is one such alloy where 2% Zn is added as deoxidizing agent and typical compositions are 88% Cu, 10% Sn, 2% Zn. This is suitable for working in cold state. It was originally made for casting guns but used now for boiler fittings, bushes, glands and other such uses.
Non-metallic materials are also used in engineering practice due to principally their low cost, flexibility and resistance to heat and electricity. Though there are many suitable non-metals, the following are important few from design point of view:
Timber- This is a relatively low cost material and a bad conductor of heat and electricity. It has also good elastic and frictional properties and is widely used in foundry patterns and as water lubricated bearings.
Leather- This is widely used in engineering for its flexibility and wear resistance. It is widely used for belt drives, washers and such other applications.
Rubber- It has high bulk modulus and is used for drive elements, sealing, vibration isolation and similar applications.
These are synthetic materials which can be moulded into desired shapes under pressure with or without application of heat. These are now extensively used in various industrial applications for their corrosion resistance, dimensional stability and relatively low cost.
There are two main types of plastics:
(a) Thermosetting plastics- Thermosetting plastics are formed under heat and pressure. It initially softens and with increasing heat and pressure, polymerisation takes place. This results in hardening of the material. These plastics cannot be deformed or remoulded again under heat and pressure. Some examples of thermosetting plastics are phenol formaldehyde (Bakelite), phenol-furfural (Durite), epoxy resins, phenolic resins etc.
(b) Thermoplastics- Thermoplastics do not become hard with the application of heat and pressure and no chemical change takes place. They remain soft at elevated temperatures until they are hardened by cooling. These can be re-melted and remoulded by application of heat and pressure. Some examples of thermoplastics are cellulose nitrate (celluloid),
polythene, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride ( PVC) etc.
Mechanical properties of common engineering materials
The important properties from design point of view are:
(a) Elasticity- This is the property of a material to regain its original shape after deformation when the external forces are removed. All materials are plastic to some extent but the degree varies, for example, both mild steel and rubber are elastic materials but steel is more elastic than rubber.
(b) Plasticity- This is associated with the permanent deformation of material when the stress level exceeds the yield point. Under plastic conditions materials ideally deform without any increase in stress. A typical stress strain diagram for an elastic-perfectly plastic material is shown in the figure-. Mises-Henky criterion gives a good starting point for plasticity analysis. The criterion is given as
where σ1, σ2, σ3 and σy are the three principal stresses at a point for any given loading and the stress at the tensile yield point respectively. A typical example of plastic flow is the indentation test where a spherical ball is pressed in a semi-infinite body where 2a is the indentation diameter. In a simplified model we may write that if 2 m plastic flow occurs where, pm is the flow pressure. This is also shown in figure
(c) Hardness- Property of the material that enables it to resist permanent deformation, penetration, indentation etc. Size of indentations by various types of indenters are the measure of hardness e.g. Brinnel hardness test, Rockwell hardness test, Vickers hardness (diamond pyramid) test. These tests give hardness numbers which are related to yield pressure(MPa).
Ductility- This is the property of the material that enables it to be drawn out or elongated to an appreciable extent before rupture occurs. The percentage elongation or percentage reduction in area before rupture of a test specimen is the measure of ductility. Normally if percentage elongation exceeds 15% the material is ductile and if it is less than 5% the material is brittle. Lead, copper, aluminium, mild steel are typical ductile materials.
(e) Malleability- It is a special case of ductility where it can be rolled into thin sheets but it is not necessary to be so strong. Lead, soft steel, wrought iron, copper and aluminium are some materials in order of diminishing malleability.
(f) Brittleness- This is opposite to ductility. Brittle materials show little deformation before fracture and failure occur suddenly without any warning. Normally if the elongation is less than 5% the material is considered to be brittle. E.g. cast iron, glass, ceramics are typical brittle materials.
(g) Resilience- This is the property of the material that enables it to resist shock and impact by storing energy. The measure of resilience is the strain energy absorbed per unit volume. For a rod of length L subjected to tensile load P, a linear load-deflection plot is shown in figure-
(h) Toughness- This is the property which enables a material to be twisted, bent or stretched under impact load or high stress before rupture. It may be considered to be the ability of the material to absorb energy in the plastic zone. The measure of toughness is the amount of energy absorbed after being stressed upto the point of fracture.
(i) Creep- When a member is subjected to a constant load over a long period of time it undergoes a slow permanent deformation and this is termed as “creep”. This is dependent on temperature. Usually at elevated temperatures creep is high.

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