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well cleaning mechanism(concept design)

        To develop a well cleaning mechanism and assemble the machine efficiently, economically.

      The main need of a living being is water, food, and shelter .Our concentration is on water, that means it is precious. So it should preserve, the main source of water is well. Impure water is not suitable for drinking. The drinking water should be pure. For that the collecting medium is cleaned regularly, in practice that is not possible. There, the importance of my machine.
         Now it is a mechanism, in future it should turn to be a machine .The main objective of this paper is to develop a well cleaning mechanism and assemble the machine efficiently. The paper includes the description, design and working of the mechanism.

Main components:
·         D.C MOTOR.
·         2 SERVO MOTORS.
·         BRUSH.
·         CLAMPS.
     The spinal cord of the mechanism is a long shaft; everything is attached in this shaft. The main parts are attached in its body; it consists of a rack and pinion arrangement, it is for the simultaneous movement of the brush and cutter. The shaft is clamping in the well, the power source, a D.C battery is attached in it. The control unit is their i.e., to control the servo motors and the D.C motor.
      When the machine is on then the cutter is cutting the plants in the well and the servo motor is used to rotate the shaft of the cutter, to give a circular motion.i,e cover the periphery of the well. Above the cutter shaft, the brush shaft is connected with the 2nd,
servo motor, to give a circular motion for covering the periphery of the wall. the brush clean the periphery of the wall.At the bottom of the shaft a diameter adjustable collecting plate is attached to collect the wastes produced by the brush and cutter. We can control all this process; i.e any restrictions occurred during the working can be overcome. After finishing the process remove the waste from the collecting plate.(fig shows in bottom).
        We can create it with standard specifications, for an ideal well. That means is vary with type of well, now we can only standardized it. Also the coast of the equipment slightly more due to the use of servo motors, but the procedure is simple. The Control unit   slightly difficult to design, the power of the battery should be high,
But impossible is nothing……………………

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